Bond Election May 6, 2023
Northwest ISD voters will consider a school bond proposal on May 6, 2023. If passed, the elected Board of Trustees will have the authority to sell bonds to pay for the construction and renovation of school facilities. A bond authorization specifies the amount of bonds the district is authorized to sell. Bond sales may occur over a period of time with the date and amount of each sale determined by the Board on an as-needed basis.
Bonds do not cost the district anything until they are sold. Even though the voters approve the bond issue, costs are not incurred until the bonds are sold. Based on conservative assumptions, NISD is able to issue these new bonds, if approved by voters, with only a 1/10th of a penny tax-rate increase.
The bond proposal will be presented as three separate propositions as required by law.
Educational Facilities & Capital Improvements
Home Stadiums &
Field Renovations
Total Bond Proposal for All 3 Propositions: $1,995,500,000
Educational Facilities & Capital Improvements
Proposition A: $1,672,193,000
GROWTH: New Facilities, Additions, Land, Transportation
New Elementary School #23 (Perrin Elementary School in Wildflower Ranch community)
Agriculture Center #2
Land Acquisition for New Schools
New Buses
Capital Improvements & Renovations
Renovations to District Support Facilities at Central Campus
Relocate Transportation Facility and Maintenance Building
Reconfigure Texan Drive for Safety and to Improve Traffic Flow
Renovations to Administrative Support Spaces
Renovations to District Distribution Center
West Operations Facility Additions and Renovations*
Steele Early College High School Renovation
Legacy Learning Center - Additional Parking
CTE Improvements and Renovations at 3 Comprehensive High Schools
Infrastructure Lifecycle Replacements & Efficiency Projects (HVAC, Roof, Flooring, LED Lighting)
Equity & Evolving Needs
Enlarge High School Cafeterias, Competition Gyms and Auditoriums (to accommodate 6A enrollment)
Additional Bleachers for Baseball & Softball at BNHS and EHS , Additional Bleachers at CTMS
Turf & Track Replacement at Wilson MS and Northwest HS Sub-Varsity Field
LED Lighting Replacement at Campus Athletic Facilities & Ag Center
Middle School Family and Consumer Science Kitchen Upgrades
Classroom Furniture
safety & security
Classroom Security Shades at BNHS, EHS, NHS, Adams
Fire Alarm Replacements
BDA (Bi-directional Antenna) Radio System
Safety and Security Hardware
Security Cameras
Technology Infrastructure
Network Infrastructure
Monitors and AV Equipment
Cyber Security
Home Stadiums & Field Renovations
PROPOSITION B: $301,555,000
Home Stadiums at 3 High Schools (Byron Nelson, Eaton & HS #4)
Northwest High School would continue to use the NISD Stadium as its home stadium for varsity competitions.
Renovations at Texan Field (NISD Track and Field Complex)
NISD Stadium Infrastructure Lifecycle Replacements & Efficiency Projects (Pressbox/Fieldhouse HVAC and Roof; Stadium LED Lighting)
Technology Devices
PROPOSITION C: $21,752,000
New Devices* for Students and Teachers (Lifecycle Replacements and Enrollment Growth)
*Any bonds issued for technology devices will not exceed three years.