Home Stadium Overview
At a capacity of roughly 7,000 spectator seats, a home stadium at each high school will provide a substantial increase from the current capacity of the sub-varsity stadiums and allow for 6A crowds. Compared to Northwest ISD Stadium’s capacity of more than 9,000 spectator seats, the home stadiums will provide the needed capacity and a community atmosphere.
When High School #4 opens, the scheduling demands of four 6A high schools will be challenging for the current NISD Stadium. If approved, Proposition B will provide a 7,000-seat home stadium at Byron, Eaton and High School #4. In addition to home sporting events and marching band competitions, campus and community events such as pep rallies, tournaments and youth sport competitions could take place in the home stadiums.
Q&A about Home Stadiums
Athletic Trainers
Drill Team
Football Teams
Soccer Teams
Track & Field
Video Crew
For a typical home football game, 14% of the student body is required to attend. This includes the football team, athletic trainers, cheerleaders, drill team, marching band, and video crew.
Where are similar home stadiums?
Examples from other school districts with more than one high school include the home stadiums at Boswell, Chisholm Trail, and Saginaw High Schools in Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD, as well as Carrico Stadium at Braswell High School in Denton ISD.
With home stadiums, the goal would be to play all home varsity football games on Friday nights.
Would students have to leave class early?
No. With home stadiums, students would not need to leave school early to load the bus and travel to the NISD Stadium for their home game. Students could stay in all of their classes and maintain their focus on academics on home football game days.
IF proposition b PASSES
Home Stadium
Home Stadium
Home Stadium
Each of these three high schools will have a home varsity stadium with seating for approximately 7,000 spectators.
Home stadiums are projected to open in the fall of 2026.
Northwest High School will continue to use NISD Stadium as its home stadium.
The NISD Stadium has seating for 9,000 spectators.
The NISD Stadium was funded with the 2001 Bond and opened in 2005.
Also in Prop B:
Texan Field Renovations
Texan Field was built in the 1950s. The Texan Fieldhouse was added to the complex in 1993.
This facility serves as host to track meets – including district and area meets – and also hosts middle school football games as well as soccer games. Youth sports teams and organizations also use Texan Field.
With voter approval, Texan Field will receive:
New Bleachers
Renovated Press Box, Restrooms & Concessions
Replace Turf & Resurface Track
Replace Stadium Lights with LED Lighting
Updated Field Event Components
Additional Site Improvements (ticket booth, fencing, etc.)
NISD Stadium Updates
NISD Stadium, which opened 18 years ago in 2005, will receive updates for systems that have reached the end-of-life.
With voter approval, NISD Stadium will receive:
Replace Stadium Lights with LED Lighting
Updates to the stadium buildings such as the press box, concessions, restrooms, fieldhouse and offices. Updates include new flooring, roofing, fire alarms, and HVAC.