Elementary School #22
Proposition A – Growth
Project Cost — $42,450,000
Project Description
Estimated to open in 2023
Potential Location: Either Denton County/Northlake area or Tarrant County/Highway 287 area
NISD will continue to monitor growth and housing construction before determining where the next elementary school should be based on enrollment growth.
New elementary prototype design will be used (similar to Lance Thompson, Haslet and Berkshire). This prototype includes a tornado shelter.
Designed for a capacity of 850 students
This school will help NISD address growth, with an additional 4,000-5,400 students projected by the 2024-25 school year.
Elementary School #23
Proposition A – Growth
Project Cost — $45,800,000
Project Description
Estimated to open in 2024
Location will be determined based on where fastest growth is occurring (after planning for ES #22) and where the district can secure land
New elementary prototype design will be used (similar to Lance Thompson, Haslet and Berkshire). This prototype includes a tornado shelter.
Designed for a capacity of 850 students
This school will help NISD address growth, with an additional 4,000-5,400 students projected by the 2024-25 school year.
Middle School #7
Proposition A – Growth
Project Cost — $81,370,000
Project Description
Could open by the 2023-2024 school year
Location: LeTara development in Haslet
Capacity for 1,200 students
This school will help NISD address growth for our middle school capacities, with an additional 4,000-5,400 students projected by the 2024-25 school year.
MS #7 is based on the design of Adams Middle School. Making minor adjustments in design and floor plans allows the district to save money on design, create equity between campuses, and establish continuity in learning and instructional spaces, while still creating a unique identity for the students of that school.
MS#7 will incorporate the use of collaborative learning that NISD is establishing in the new elementary prototypes. Continuing to provide these spaces for students as they advance encourages and reinforces 21st century skill sets.
Replacement School for Hatfield Elementary School
Proposition A – Growth
Project Cost — $40,345,000
Project Description
Estimated to open in 2022 or 2023
To be located in a nearby residential neighborhood along 114
To be designed using the prototype established with Lance Thompson Elementary in 2019; Using a prototype allows the district to save money on design, create equity between campuses, and establish continuity in learning and instructional spaces.
To be designed for a capacity of 850 students
Will help NISD address growth, with an additional 4,000-5,400 students expected to enroll by the 2024-25 school year
About Existing Hatfield Elementary
Built in 1998
450 Capacity
Core spaces and infrastructure are not designed to increase from the current capacity and keep up with growth.
Higher capacity schools increase efficiency of staffing and operational costs at each campus.
Only NISD elementary school that isn’t in a residential area or adjacent to a neighborhood
This replacement allows the district to relocate the school to a neighborhood setting.
Current school will be repurposed for administrative use
NISD has grown 20,000 students in 20 years and hasn’t added any administrative space. This allows NISD to centrally locate its administrative services and not spend funds to build a new administration building.
Replacement School for Seven Hills Elementary
Proposition A – Growth
Project Cost — $40,280,000
Project Description
Estimated to open in 2022 or 2023
Capacity for 850 students
To be constructed on the same site as the current school
Will include upgraded playgrounds
Current school will be removed once the new school is complete
To be designed using the prototype established with Lance Thompson Elementary in 2019
Using a prototype allows the district to save money on design, create equity between campuses, and establish continuity in learning and instructional spaces.
Will accommodate future growth of planned developments within the Seven Hills attendance boundary
About Existing Seven Hills Elementary
Built in 1988
650 Capacity
Core spaces and infrastructure are not designed to increase from the current capacity and keep up with growth.
Cafeteria can’t be expanded based on its location in the current building. The cafeteria is surrounded by other spaces on all sides. Expansion would require moving all the infrastructure and existing walls at these spaces. Adding on to a building is most economical when it can expand into an outdoor space immediately next to the existing room.
Current gym is not a full-size gym and can’t be expanded. A full-size gym would give the Seven Hills students and staff a more equitable experience compared to other NISD elementary schools.
Hallways/corridors are not designed to handle a larger capacity.
Building infrastructure such as water and sewer systems are not designed to handle a larger capacity.
Parking is inadequate for current enrollment and future projections.
Replacement School for Pike Middle School
Proposition A – Growth
Project Cost — $94,620,000
Project Description
Estimated to open by the 2024-25 school year
Capacity for 1,200 students
Improved learning environments to align with other new NISD middle schools
New school will be constructed on the same site as the current school. Once completed, the existing facility would be removed. Existing Pike Football/Soccer Field and Track and Tennis Courts will remain.
To be based on the design of Adams Middle School and MS #7. Making minor adjustments in design and floor plans allows the district to save money on design, create equity between campuses, and establish continuity in learning and instructional spaces, while still creating a unique identity for the students of that school.
Pre-Engineered Building - This provides some initial cost savings, but does not allow for easy growth and infrastructure changes that may be required over time.
Opened in 1992 as Northwest Middle School, Converted in 1999 to High School “B” Building, and Converted in 2002 to Pike Middle School
Cafeteria, Kitchen, Library and Hallways are Undersized - Expansions in Current Location are Not Feasible
Not Able to Accommodate Growth - Several new neighborhoods are currently under construction in the Pike Middle School feeder pattern and the current campus is designed to hold 1,100 students
Not able to Accommodate Collaboration Spaces to Make Equitable to Other NISD Middle Schools
Undersized Stage which is Smaller than Elementary School Stages in NISD
Major Gas, Plumbing, and Power Lines are Aging and Undersized
Lighting, Flooring and Roof Replacement Needed
Site/Drainage Issues
Northwest High School Additions and Renovations
Proposition A – Growth
Project Cost — $160,335,000
Project Description
Estimated Completion in 2025
Add 200,000 Square Feet
Create Capacity for 3,200 Students (like Byron Nelson HS and Eaton HS)
Expand Core Spaces (Cafeteria, Library, Gyms, etc.)
Expand Career & Technical Education Spaces
Increase Circulation Efficiency and Create Collaboration Spaces
Remodel & Renovate
Reconfigure Entrance(s), Creating One Main Entrance to Centralize Administration and Increase Security
Update Aesthetics and Facades
Significant Remodel of 280,000 Square Feet
New Walls, Flooring, Paint, LED Lighting, and Updated Restrooms Throughout
Safety & Security
New Access Control
New Security Cameras
Convert Analog Radios to Digital and Add Repeaters
Technology infrastructure
Cell Phone Boosters
Northwest High School Additions and Renovations Conceptual Site Plan
Additional Pre-K Classrooms
Proposition A – Growth
Project Cost — $13,435,000
Project Description
Full-day Pre-K is now required in Texas as part of a new state mandate, and adding more classrooms at existing schools would provide NISD additional space to accommodate the additional Pre-K students.
Construction would occur at 11 schools, over the course of three years.
The projects would be constructed as multi-campus packages and are estimated to be completed between the years 2022 and 2025.
This will be an addition, added square footage to the existing school buildings.
The addition will include two new classrooms with restrooms, appropriately sized for early childhood education.
The location of the addition will vary at each school, depending on the school site and layout.
The new ES prototype being implemented throughout the district includes Pre-K classrooms. All new campuses will have spaces for this age group included.
Land Acquisition
Proposition A – Growth
Project Cost — $16,850,000
Project Description
Planning for future growth, NISD purchases land for future school sites.
Demographer projections show that an additional 14,000 students are expected to enroll in NISD in the next 10 years.
The district works with housing developers to identify and evaluate potential sites for schools.
New Buses
Proposition A – Growth
Project Cost — $2,190,000
Project Description
Purchase of 21 new buses
NISD adds approximately 7 new bus routes each year due to growth.
Infrastructure Lifecycle Replacements
Proposition A – Capital Improvements and Renovations
Project Cost – $27,766,000
Project Description
These items have reached the end of their usable life.
Replacements are intended to improve efficiency, save NISD maintenance and operations costs, and create a better building environment for students and staff.
Roof Replacements — $9,100,000
New roofing will increase insulation values and save NISD operations costs as a result.
Replacing the roofs also prevents leaking which can cause damage to building systems and spaces that NISD would pay to repair.
Hard Floors — $915,000
The new flooring material being used to replace the existing does not require waxing. This will save the district maintenance costs throughout the life of the new floor.
Carpets — $6,270,000
The carpets being replaced are the type that comes in wide rolls. New carpets being used by NISD come in tiles. This is a benefit for maintenance because it allows for a small area of carpet to be replaced when it becomes damaged.
Carpet stain resistance has improved over time. New carpet fibers are less likely to take on stains or become damaged than the ones used a generation before.
HVAC — $8,610,000
The mechanical units planned for replacement have reached the end of their usable life and are requiring more maintenance and repairs to keep them running. Air conditioning and heating equipment has become significantly more energy efficient since these units were installed. More energy efficient units save NISD in operations costs.
New units also have better filtration systems than the old versions. This creates a better building environment for students.
Fire Alarms — $845,000
New system will incorporate most recent code updates.
Kitchen Floor (Prairie View ES) — $76,000
New floor will make cleaning easier and save staff time. It will also reduce tripping hazards and opportunities for injuries.
Gymnasium Materials and Equipment — $1,950,000
Gym flooring at Beck ES
PE Gym flooring, sound systems, wall pads, and retractable bleachers at Chisholm Trail and Medlin MS
Repurpose Hatfield Elementary School for Centralized Administrative Use
Proposition A – Capital Improvements and Renovations
Project Cost — $18,400,000
Project Description
Estimated completion in 2024.
Renovate building for administrative use. NISD has grown 20,000 students in 20 years and hasn’t added any administrative space. This allows NISD to centrally locate its administrative services and not spend funds to build a new administration building.
Utilize large open spaces (existing gym, cafeteria, library) as warehouse for curriculum and instructional material storage and distribution. Open spaces not used for storage will become large gathering areas for use as staff meeting and professional development rooms.
Create flexible office space to accommodate current central office staff as well as allow for future growth.
Administration Building End-of-Life Renovations
Proposition A – Capital Improvements and Renovations
Project Cost — $17,000,000
Project Description
Estimated completion in 2024.
Reconfigure existing spaces to create efficiency in departments. This will allow for larger departments to remain together rather than scattered.
Primary needs at this building are infrastructure. The existing building does not have enough power to supply the needs of the administration staff. A new feed will be provided to supply the building.
The roof and HVAC systems have reached the end of their usable life. Upgrading these systems will benefit the district in the long run as it will create savings in ongoing maintenance and utility costs.
West Operations Facility Additions & Renovations
Proposition A – Capital Improvements and Renovations
Project Cost — $5,200,000
Project Description
Estimated completion in 2023.
Modifications to the existing facility are intended to improve NISD’s staff efficiency and use of the property.
Modifications include:
Installation of an elevator for access to second floor to meet code
Equipment added to the maintenance bays for mechanical work on buses
Addition of a bus wash and fuel station (This will save the district approximately $40,000-$60,000 a month in added staff time and fuel costs required to shuttle and refuel buses at the central campus location.)
Paving to accommodate the weight of the buses
New perimeter fencing, site lighting, and energy management controls
Current West Operations Facility (unpaved, no lighting, no fueling stations or equipment)
This project will provide a facility comparable to the Central Transportation Facility (pictured above), and alleviate the need for buses to be transported to Central for refueling and maintenance.
Middle School Program Standardization
Proposition A – Equity & Evolving Needs
Project Cost — $1,815,000
Project Description
Renovate Life Skills (Special Education) – $610,000
Estimated completion in 2022.
This project will provide more efficient and equitable classroom kitchen and restroom facilities to the special needs students at Chisholm Trail and Medlin MS.
Project Lead the Way (STEM) Labs – $335,000
Estimated completion in 2022.
Convert traditional classroom space to lab space for Project Lead the Way at Chisholm Trail, Tidwell and Wilson MS.
Project Lead The Way is a STEM program that teaches students valuable critical thinking skills using project based learning with a focus on technology.
Renovate Skills for Living – $870,000
Estimated completion in 2022.
The Skills for Living classrooms will be expanded to provide more kitchen spaces to students at Chisholm Trail and Medlin MS. These kitchens give students the basic cooking skills they will use to become well-rounded adults.
Elementary Playground Equity & Safety
Proposition A – Equity & Evolving Needs
Project Cost — $8,415,000
Project Description
Estimated completion in 2023.
Elementary Playground Accessibility Additions
Playground accessibility additions allow students with mobility issues to share more of the space their classmates use. These additions provide ramps for access to larger platforms that are universally accessible to all students.
Elementary Playground Surfacing
New playground surfacing is a bonded rubber product that provides a smoother surface that’s easier for students with mobility issues to use. The rubber also increases the safety of all students with a softer, more forgiving material to land on.
Elementary Playground Pre-K-1st Grades Expansion
Pre-K-1st Grades playground expansions provide components that are smaller and easier for smaller students to use. These additions allow NISD elementary schools to accommodate additional Pre-K students with the state-mandated expansion of full day Pre-K, increase access for all students and bring NISD closer to the goal of a universal educational experience for all students.
Safety & Security
Proposition A – Safety & Security
Project Cost — $13,730,000
Project Description
The district is planning for future growth and replacement of aging cameras as well as licensing for existing cameras in our new management suite.
Access Control
The district is planning for future growth and replacement of control panels and outdated wiring as we migrate to a new access control system.
Public Address
The district is planning the completion of the rest of our facilities to our new standardized PA and security notification system as well as provide for future growth.
Radio Upgrades and Repeaters
Upgrade application systems that manage radio networks, add digital radios (replace analog) and repeaters to campuses that don’t currently have them.
Technology Infrastructure
Proposition A – Technology Infrastructure
Project Cost — $82,395,000
Project Description
Implemented over several years (2021-2024).
Infrastructure & Equipment
Replacement and addition of equipment that increases network performance and modernization of wireless access for daily instructional use for all students and staff.
Creating a resilient network infrastructure which allows the district to maintain operations (access to 911, P.A., access control) in the event of an emergency.
Improvements that will increase access and cybersecurity of district systems and resources both on campus and while working from outside the district.
Cell Phone Boosters & Monitors
Cell phone boosters assist in emergency response communication.
Current classroom projectors are 10+ years old and aging out. Upgrading to TV monitors will decrease long term cost of device upkeep while increasing clarity and quality of viewing instruction.
NISD is complying with a new state law that requires certain project types to be separated out on different propositions. According to the new state law, bonds for the construction, acquisition, or equipment of a stadium with seating capacity for more than 1,000 spectators must be stated in a separate proposition.
Track and Field Complex (Texan Stadium, constructed in 1950) End-of-Life Renovations
Proposition B – Stadium Renovations
Project Cost — $7,660,000
Project Description
Estimated completion in 2022.
Texan Stadium, constructed in 1950 is one of the oldest facilities in the district. Items that have reached the end of their lifecycle at this complex will become a safety concern if not replaced soon.
This facility serves as NISD’s track and field complex, hosts sub-varsity and middle school football and soccer games, and is used by youth sports organizations.
End-of-Life Renovations include:
Replace home and visitor bleachers, press box and fencing
New ticket booth at the secondary entrance
Renovation of existing ticket booths and restrooms
Replace turf and resurface the track
Provide two new shot put and discus locations
Replace lighting at end of lifecycle to retrofit to LED lighting
NISD Stadium (constructed in 2005) – Replace Lighting at End of Lifecycle
Proposition B – Stadium Renovations
Project Cost — $500,000
Project Description
Estimated completion in 2024.
Replace lighting at NISD Stadium that has reached the end of its useful life with LED lighting.
LED lighting requires significantly less electricity and will save NISD operations costs for many years.
NISD is complying with a new state law that requires certain project types to be separated out on different propositions. According to the new state law, bonds for the construction, acquisition, or equipment of another recreational facility other than a gymnasium, playground, or play area must be stated in a separate proposition.
Middle School #7 Tennis Courts, Athletic Field and Track
Proposition C – Middle School Recreational Facilities
Project Cost — $3,435,000
Project Description
Estimated completion in 2023.
This includes the recreational facilities for Middle School #7, including tennis courts, athletic field and track which are standard to middle school campuses.
Funds for the construction of the school building for MS#7 is in Proposition A and will help NISD address growth, with an additional 4,000-5,400 students projected by the 2024-25 school year.
Should Proposition A pass and Proposition C fail, this new Middle School will be constructed without these facilities, making it inequitable to all other middle schools.
MS Tennis Court Resurfacing
Proposition C – Middle School Recreational Facilities
Project Cost — $1,300,000
Project Description
Estimated completion in 2021.
Resurface existing tennis courts that have met their useful life at Chisholm Trail, Pike, Tidwell and Wilson MS.
Add Tennis Courts at Medlin Middle School
Proposition C – Middle Recreational Facilities
Project Cost — $1,000,000
Project Description
Estimated completion in 2022.
Medlin MS currently does not have tennis courts. Student athletes currently use city-owned courts as they are able. Construction of new tennis courts at Medlin will bring it into equity with the other NISD middle schools.
NISD is complying with a new state law that requires certain project types to be separated out on different propositions. According to the new state law, bonds for the acquisition or update of technology equipment, other than the equipment used for school security purposes or technology infrastructure integral to the construction of a facility must be stated in a separate proposition.
New Devices for Students & Teachers (Lifecycle Replacements & Growth)
Proposition D – Student & Teacher Devices
Project Cost — $19,430,000
Project Description
Distributed over several years (2021-2024).
Purchase of new devices for new students and teachers as the district’s enrollment grows, as well as replacement devices as laptops and Chromebooks reach their useful life.
NISD currently issues laptops to teachers and Chromebooks to students, grades 6-12.
Any bonds issued for technology devices will not exceed three years.