Total Bond Proposal for All 3 Propositions: $1,995,500,000
Our Core Beliefs
Kids come first.
Continuous learning is essential to prepare for college and career opportunities.
Each student's success is the shared responsibility of students, families, schools, and communities.
Learning is influenced by environment.
Proposal provides SPACES for 8,400 additional students
No matter how much enrollment grows, Northwest ISD is guided by the belief that kids come first. Within its 234 square mile boundary, the school district currently serves more than 29,000 students in 14 cities, towns and communities across three counties. Enrollment is still on the rise, and Northwest ISD is considered the fastest-growing school district in DFW based on the number of new home starts and closings in the DFW region. In 2022, Northwest ISD moved ahead of other fast-growing communities including Frisco, Denton and Prosper. Continued development and opportunities in the region have driven NISD’s enrollment to increase more than 25% since 2016. The May 2023 bond election includes new schools and additions that would add seats for 8,400 additional students.
NISD Residents Developed the Bond Recommendation
When student enrollment approaches the capacity of existing facilities, Northwest ISD convenes the Long Range Planning Committee. This citizen’s committee is charged by the Board of Trustees to identify facility projects that meet the needs of students. The committee creates a list of recommended new schools to address growth and capital projects for the Board of Trustees to consider. Major capital expenses like buildings, buses and technology are typically paid for by the sale of bonds.
NISD Residents have a vote before Bonds Can be Issued
But before the school district can issue bonds, voters are asked to vote in an election to authorize a specific amount—the maximum the district is allowed to sell without another election. The school district issues bonds when funds are needed, usually once or twice a year. Principal and interest on the bonds are repaid over an extended period of time with funds from the Debt Service tax rate.
Browse this site to learn more about the growth in the district and the bond proposal
And don’t miss the FAQs. If you just want to see a detailed list of projects, visit the WHAT’S PROPOSED page. Most importantly make a plan to have your voice heard in the upcoming election!
HOUSING facts in nisd
62 subdivisions with active construction
38 future subdivisions planned
5,550 lots with groundwork underway
Expected to add 3,500+ homes each year for the next 2-3 years
NEW SCHOOLS in May 2023 bond
1 New High School (Comprehensive HS #4)
1 New Middle School
4 New Elementary Schools
2 Replacement Elementary Schools (Justin ES & Prairie View ES)
4 Early Childhood Centers
2003: 6,177 students
2008: 11,824 students
2013: 17,752 students
2018: 23,061 students
2023: 29,248 students
Northwest ISD grew by an average of more than 1,000 students per year for the past two decades, and during the 2021-2022 school year, the district added more than 2,500 students. We know Northwest ISD’s enrollment will continue to climb for years to come with current and planned residential projects across our 234 square miles.